
The Butterfly Effect

In solidarity with President Obama’s first 100 days, consider this challenge:

Beginning today, January 21, 2009, voluntarily, and actively engage in at least one kind gesture every single day until April 21st. Imagine my network, and your network, and their network beginning each day with the purpose of committing one act of generosity–to your neighbor, friend, family, yourself. Or a stranger, an enemy, the environment.

If you are rolling your eyes, or thinking that the California air has finally infultrated my hardened New Yorker self, then this might just be the challenge for you. Or possibly you already wake up every morning with an open heart and consider it a duty to give rather than take. Either way, this experiment is up to your interpretation because ‘the act of kindness’ is defined by you.

"This Ain't Bobs"

This is a quickie.

As I’m sure many feel, I too am reveling in the events of the day. My favorite quote from President Obama (I love saying those words together) was that “people will judge you on what you build, not what you destroy.” He was speaking of our “enemies” abroad, but certainly every citizen of this country can also drink from its wisdom.

Apropos, I offer a podcast to listen to.  The Commonwealth Club is a non partisan forum that brings together smarties from every corner–conservative and liberal, American and not, writers and artists–to talk about the work they do in this life. The latest is about health care reform. If this is a hot topic for you I highly recommend listening to the latest podcast posted with Zeke Emanual, Chair, Dept. of Bioethics, NIH Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health. He offers a provocative perspective on how health care could look in our future.

Now go and build.



Carrotmob is taking our desires to consume and using it to improve the world the we live in. Click here to watch what it’s all about. I recommend the longer version. It’s better, and will get you all excited about this project.

Story of Stuff


Another perspective on approaching life with the least resistance. And 20 minutes of your time that (I hope) will change the way you think about material consumption.

180 Degrees

Mindfulness vs. Mindfulness

Mindfulness Mindfulness